Getting started


Preciso is a Python wrapper to the initial C++ project. It is designed to be lightweight and convenient, for both new and more experienced users.

Below is an example use case for PreciSo :

import preciso
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# a configuration file specific to your material
config_filename = "path/to/configuration_file.txt"

# communication with PreciSo's C++ engine is transparent :
results = preciso.runSimulation(config_filename)

# results are available in the form of pandas DataFrames
df = results.precipitation[0]

           label="$R_{mean} (m)$")
# *A beautiful figure appears*

With its concise high-level syntax, the Python wrapper allows to focus on physics (the parameters, the configuration file) instead of coding.

Try it online

An interactive demo of PreciSo is hosted at myBinder in the form of a Jupyter Notebook. It allows trying preciso with no installation, from any device.


PreciSo is available as a Python package. To use it, you will need Python 3, and a few other packages PreciSo is built on.

You have different options, mostly depending on your operating system.


If you have any issue installing PreciSo, or if this documentation is somehow inaccurate, feel free to submit a ticket to the project’s Gitlab issue tracker.


Installing Python the first time can be tedious, especially on Windows. If you only need very occasional use of PreciSo, you may want to consider using a cloud-based solution (e.g


A messy Python installation will make using and updating PreciSo a lot harder. To avoid that, always prefer installing in a virtual environment, e.g. using Miniconda (or pipenv, or virtualenv).


PreciSo supports Python 3 only. Make sure you install a Python version 3.x (3.7 is recommended), not a 2.x.

On Linux/MacOS, using Miniconda

Miniconda is a distribution that includes conda, the package manager that will help you make a clean install of Python and PreciSo on any platform, with no root permissions. The famous Anaconda distribution is similar to Miniconda, but it includes a huge number of additional packages you don’t need for using PreciSo.

  1. To get Python and Miniconda, follow the instructions from the official documentation of Miniconda and conda.

On MacOS and Linux, it should be :

wget -O ~/
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
  1. Once conda is installed, create an environment that lists all Preciso’s dependencies. For that, we’ll use a file to specify the packages we want to install, that contains :

name: python-preciso
  - anaconda
  - python=3.7
  - numpy
  - pandas
  - matplotlib
  - scipy
  - jinja2
  - git
  - jupyter
  - seaborn

This file can be downloaded here.

  1. Then, run one line at a time :

# the first time you use conda

# On macOS / Linux :
$HOME/miniconda/bin/conda init

# If conda is not found, you'll have to Google for a solution for your specific case/platform, or ask for help

# create an environment from the file you downloaded
conda env create -f environment.yml

# activate the environment everytime you want to use it.
# On Linux/MacOS can set an alias in your ~.bashrc or ~.bash_profile file for this one.
conda activate python-preciso

# Download the last version of Preciso
git clone

# Install preciso in developper mode (-e)
cd preciso
pip install -e .
  1. Check that the installation was successful. The following command should issue no error when ran in a new terminal.

python3 -c 'import preciso; print("Preciso was successfully installed !")'

Manual installation on Linux/Mac OS

If you already have a full Python installed and ready-to-go, and have git, you can follow these instructions.

Downlaod PreciSo package:

git clone preciso

Upgrade pip:

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip

In Jupyter, open a new terminal and enter the preciso folder:

cd preciso

Install preciso package:

pip install -e .

Check all requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

On Windows (using Anaconda)

To install Python requirements :

  1. Install a full Anaconda distribution, following its official documentation.


Alternatively, you can install miniconda by downloading the installer here. Then from a terminal, do :

start /wait "" Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%UserProfile%\miniconda
  1. Download the environment file.

  2. From Anaconda, import an environment and activate it.

For the installation of Preciso :

  1. Open an Anaconda prompt, Jupyter terminal or jupyter notebook. Make sure you access your python-preciso environment by typing conda env list. It should display something like :

# conda environments:
base                      /home/aallera/miniconda
python-preciso         *  /home/aallera/miniconda/envs/python-preciso

Check the position of the * character, which means that python-preciso is the activated environment.

  1. Create a folder and extract the archive found here (you’ll have to manually fetch new versions to get updates and bug fixes !)


  1. Get preciso source code with

    git clone

It will create a “preciso” folder in the current directory, that will contain the last version of the code. Updates can be done from this “preciso” directory with git pull.

  1. Go to the folder that contains preciso’s

    cd preciso

Then install preciso with pip (if error, try pip3 instead):

pip install -e .

If executed from a Jupyter notebook, do instead

!pip install -e .

Relaunch Jupiter Notebook and check that preciso is importable from anywhere:

import preciso; preciso.runSimulation("", temp=False)